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About us

Circular Gastronomy supports ideas and initiatives that contribute to gastronomic diversity and the transition to a healthier food system.

Through the Circular Gastronomy Challenge, we select a number of smart, sustainable ideas each year and help their creators bring them to life. The support, which is aimed at the restaurant, bar, bakery, and café industry, extends over the period of one year and is tailored to each of the winning ideas.

The support is developed and delivered by Circular Gastronomy together with our partners, jury and an advisory board of experts in gastronomy, circular economy, sustainability, business development and academia. As each of the winning projects achieve their goals, learning valuable lessons along the way, others are inspired to act more sustainably too.

Our common goal is to increase knowledge about, commitment to and the pace of the transition towards a circular economy.

The Circular Gastronomy Challenge is growing: so far it has attracted 161 ideas, nominated 45 finalists and appointed 16 prize winners who receive support by some of our 50 experts in innovation, gastronomy, sustainability, and circular economy.

Advisory Board
Team Circular Gastronomy